A dog bite or animal attack can leave you in serious pain, and the damages can be significant and long-lasting. In many instances, the physical harm caused by the attack and the initial medical bills are just the beginning. Other damages can add up, including subsequent medical care, loss of income, and loss of future earning capacity. In the worst cases, an attack can result in serious disability, permanent disfigurement, deformity, or death. There is no reason to live with the consequences of a vicious attack by some else’s pet. Animal owners understand that a pet means additional responsibilities, including the implementation of precautions for the safety of others. Keeping a pet secure through fencing, leashes, or collars, and simply warning others of any danger are an important and necessary part of this responsibility. If the owner knows that their pet is poorly trained, dangerous, or has attacked someone in the past, they shouldn’t be allowed to ignore the possibility of attacks.
In Pennsylvania, recovery is governed by statute and liability varies depending on the severity of your injuries, the characteristics of the animal, and the circumstances of the attack. Generally, where your injuries are not severe, the owner is required by statute to pay for your medical expenses. In these instances, additional damages may also be pursued through a claim of negligence. If your injuries are severe, the owner may be required to pay for all of your losses resulting from the attack. Recovery may also be available if your own pet has been attacked by some one’s pet. Don’t let the actions of a negligent or inattentive pet owner leave you with the burden of the attack. Our experienced Chester County dog bite attorneys can help you get the compensation you deserve.
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite or animal attack, and have suffered significant injuries or scarring, call Keen Keen & Good at 610-383-7810 today. We offer free, no-obligation, consultations to evaluate your claim and determine whether you may be entitled to compensation. If we agree to handle your claim, you will only be charged a fee if your case is settled or won.